High School 9th-12th Grade
Semester credit requirements for graduation from STEM Charter can be accessed here:
Completion of these credits will satisfy the State of Idaho STEM High School Diploma requirements.
The High School Profile for STEM Charter Academy is here:
HS Course Catalog
Access course syllabi belowHS Course Catalog![]()
High School Only Credit Science Classes:
- Astronomy
- Applied Science
- Biology
- Forensic Science
- Geoscience
- Intro to Anatomy & Physiology
- Intro to Horticulture / Botany
- Physical Science
- Principles of Forestry
- Zoology
Dual Credit / Advanced Placement Science Classes:
- AP Physics I
- DC BIOL 102: Biology and Society
- DC BIOL 115: Cells and the Evolution of Life
- DC BIOL 175: Human Biology
- DC CHEM 101: Intro to Chemistry
- DC ENVS101/102: Intro to Environmental Science
- DC GEOL 101: Physical Geology
For HS Graduation requirements:
Any Science credit earned after the minimum requirement of 8 credits has been met will be counted toward the STEM Elective requirement. If the STEM Elective requirement (5 credits) is also fulfilled, the credit will be counted toward meeting the Elective requirement.
- COMM101: Introduction to Public Speaking
- Public Speaking
Language Arts
Social Studies/Economics
Economics may be taken online via IDLA or for dual credit (ECON 202 or 202). Additionally starting in 2023-24, Financial Literacy may be used to satisfy the Economics requirement.
- IFIT 106: Strength & Conditioning
- IFIT 107: Individual & Team Sports
- Lifetime Fitness
- Graphic Design I
- Digital Journalism
- VideoEditing Technology
- Teaching Assistant
Credits earned after satisfying the required number of credits in any other category will be utilized as elective credits if needed. Example, if a student has earned 4 credits in Humanities and takes a class for a 5th credit--that credit can be used as an Elective if needed since only 4 Humanities credits are required for graduation.
STEM Electives
- DC CS 112: Computational Thinking and ProblemSolving
- DC CYB 110: Cybersecurity and Privacy
- Computer Support I
- Design Tech I
- Exploravision
- FIRST Tech Challenge
- Fundamentals of Health Professions
- Graphic Design II
- Graphic Design III
- Rocket Science
- SolidWorks/3DPrinting
- VideoEditing Technology
Any credits in Math or Science that are earned after the graduation requirements in those subjects are already satisfied, will be used to meet the STEM Elective requirement if needed.
Students selected by the State Dept in 11th grade as Idaho Science and Aerospace Scholars will take a dual credit course via IDLA to earn 1 STEM Elective credit. If also selected to attend the NASA-sponsored Summer ISAS Academy, and additional .5 credit may be earned.
Senior Project

advanced opportunities
advanced opportunities![]()
advanced opportunities
Eligible students at STEM in grades 7-12 participate in the Fast Forward program offered by the State Dept of Education' s Advanced Opportunities. Our 7th-9th grade students have moved ahead on high school graduation requirements by taking online courses during the summer or as an optional overload courses via IDLA. Students may begin dual credit as early as grade 10 depending on academic preparedness and proven work ethic. Our 10th grade dual credit students are taking courses such as Academic Success Topics, Fundamentals of Oral Communication, and PE on our campus at STEM for college credit. Juniors are able to take a full schedule of college credit courses on our campus at STEM. Our 12th grade dual credit students are splitting their time each week between STEM and the NIC campus. During the 2023-24 school year, we will be offering 42 college credits via face-to-face instruction here at STEM, including lab sciences, computer science, math, PE, public speaking, English, and music.
Early Release
Students in grades 7-12 have the option for early release at 3:00 pm, if they have a Study Hall scheduled for 7th period. Students in Concert Band, Carta Crescendos, or taking dual credit PE are in class from 3-4 pm and are ineligible for Early Release. Transportation must be pre-arranged and a parent permission form needs to be on file in the officeprior to the start of early release. Students not picked up at 3 pm will be sent to Study Hall. Students understand that regular homework assignments and any normally completed during Study Hall will be done at home.